Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes from all over the world!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sticky Onion Marmalade Veggie Sausages (vegetarian)

8 vegatarian sausages
4 tbsp english marmalade
1 small brown onion, chopped
dash of red wine

1. In a pan fry the onion until tender and leave aside.
2. Cook the sausages in the oven until almost done.
3. Drain off the excess fats and place the onions and marmalade on top with a dash of red wine. Finish in the oven for about 5 minutes.
4. Stir in a little more red wine for a brilliant gravy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tofurkey makes vegan sausages and kilbasas and another type too, I think.

11:45 pm


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